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Soundset Recordings
Roger Reynolds’s song cycle is a collaboration with poet John Ashbery. Sung by baritone Philip Larson, with accompaniment by pianist Aleck Karis, the poet also recites a linking text between songs. There is an elegant, sparing use of electronics that emphasizes the intimacy and subtlety of the work.

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Roger Reynolds: Last Things, I Think, To Think About
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Text 101.Text 1   0:38
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
I Had Thought02.I Had Thought   3:59
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 203.Text 2   0:13
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
The Painter04.The Painter   3:10
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Softest Passage05.Softest Passage   5:41
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 306.Text 3   0:19
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Sonnet07.Sonnet   3:48
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 408.Text 4   0:44
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
At North Farm09.At North Farm   3:45
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 510.Text 5   0:52
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Landscape11.Landscape   7:06
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 612.Text 6   0:44
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Faust13.Faust   11:53
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 714.Text 7   1:10
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Hotel Lautrémont I15.Hotel Lautrémont I   3:12
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Hotel Lautrémont II16.Hotel Lautrémont II   3:37
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Hotel Lautrémont III17.Hotel Lautrémont III   4:15
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Hotel Lautrémont IV18.Hotel Lautrémont IV   4:14
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 819.Text 8   0:26
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Myrtle20.Myrtle   2:06
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 921.Text 9   0:22
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Illustration22.Illustration   3:12
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 1023.Text 10   0:27
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Illustration II24.Illustration II   3:33
With: Philip Larson - Baritone, Aleck Karis - Piano
Text 1125.Text 11   0:35
With: John Ashbery - Narrator
Total Playing Time: 1:10:01