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Soundset Recordings
An album with beautiful music by composer Maria Linnemann. Her 'Scenes from Don Quixote' for three guitars consists of eight movements, which refer to Miguel Cervantes Saavedra's classic story about Don Quixote, the ingenious lord of La Mancha and his companion Sancho Panza—exquisitely recorded by Trio Trobairitz.
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Scenes from Don Quixote
Trio Trobairitz: Guitar
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Prelude - Don Quixote Dreams01.Prelude - Don Quixote Dreams   1:34
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Ride out in Search of Adventure02.Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Ride out in Search of Adventure   1:14
His Lady Dulcinea03.His Lady Dulcinea   2:45
Don Quixote on the Windmill Sail04.Don Quixote on the Windmill Sail   1:34
The Ride on the Wooden Horse05.The Ride on the Wooden Horse   1:20
Don Quixote's Duel with the Knight of the White Moon06.Don Quixote's Duel with the Knight of the White Moon   2:10
Don Quixote Nobly Keeps his Oath to Return Home07.Don Quixote Nobly Keeps his Oath to Return Home   1:17
Don Quixote's Farewell08.Don Quixote's Farewell   2:41
Total Playing Time: 14:35