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Soundset Recordings

Rozsa: Cello Concerto; Schurmann: The Gardens of Exile
With: Peter Rejto, Pecs Hungarian Symphony, Howard Williams
Trois Ciels: compositions de Bernard Piris
Brigitte Repiton
Katia Ricciarelli in Recital
Katia Ricciarelli
Sviatoslav Richter: Piano
Sviatoslav Richter
Musical Banquet
Alan Rinehart
Renaissance Masters and Latin Romantics
Alan Rinehart
The Golden Century: Lute Music from 16th Century Italy
Alan Rinehart
My Guitar
Ingrid Riollot
Rogue Lotus
With: The Rogue Trio and Lotus, The Rogue Trio, Lotus
No Ordinary Woman! Music by Gwyneth Walker
Sorores Duo
Memories of Hope
With: Sorores Duo, Amy Rosine, Sandra Mosteller
Carter and Rachmaninoff Cello Sonatas
With: Anthony Ross, Evelyne Brancart
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