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Soundset Recordings

University of Southern Mississippi Wind Ensemble 12/2/2004
With: University of Southern Mississippi Bands & Choirs,...
Two Golden Sopranos
With: University of Southern Mississippi Bands & Choirs,...
The Final Concert
With: University of Southern Mississippi Bands & Choirs,...
University of Southern Mississippi Wind Ensemble 2/9/2008
With: University of Southern Mississippi Bands & Choirs,...
Schubert Lieder on Guitar
Ethan Lorentz
With: Luca Luciano, Duo Lucatelle-Bartoloni
Central Guitar: 20th and 21st-Century Brazilian Guitar Works
João Luiz
An American Master
With: Mitchell Lurie, Leona Luri, Michele Levin, Kathleen Re...
Alchemy: Music for Solo Percussion & Fixed Media
Andrew Lynge
With: The University of Alabama Percussion Ensemble, Dr. And...
I wake in the dark and remember
With: LSU Wind Ensemble, Kimberly Sparr, Damon Talley
lines color & form: music of bryan johanson
Luke Trimble & Matthew Keating
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