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Soundset Recordings

CCCB 2015 Holiday Concert
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Michael Ruhl, Tom Co...
Salute to Young Musicians 2023
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Tom Cole
In Concert: Selections from Live Performances 1994-1996
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Don Caneva
Coastal Communities Concert Band Salute to America 2008
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Michael Ruhl, Don Ca...
Back in the Saddle
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Tom Cole, Michael Ru...
2014 Holiday Concert
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Larry Curtis, Michae...
35th Anniversary Concert
Coastal Communities Concert Band
CCCB Summer Pops Concert 2015
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Michael Ruhl, Tom Co...
Stage and Screen
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Michael Ruhl, Michae...
Oeuvres pour guitares, luths, cistre, orpharion et vihuela
Trio de guitares Laval
Outside the Box
With: Nova Saxophone Quartet, Joseph Colarusso, Greg Wilson,...
With: Clifford Leaman, Joseph Lallo, Peter de Jager
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