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Soundset Recordings

Contemporary American Works for the Saxophone
With: Kenneth Radnofsky, Bruce Hangen, New Music New Haven F...
Contemporary Flute Music
With: Jean-Charles Francois, Pierre-Yves Artaud
Contrasts: American Music for Flute and Harp
With: Leone Buyse, Ann Hobson Pilot
Contretemps Go
With: Patrick Roux, Noël Samyn
Joseph Van Hassel
Coyote Dreams
With: Michael Udow, Christopher Froh, Various Artists
Dancing Hands: Visual Arts of Rita Blitt
Rita Blitt
Dancing the Night Away
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Tom Cole
Danwen Jiang
With: Danwen Jiang, Walter Cosand, Alessandro Maffei
De romances, de amores y de muerte
With: Nelson Brenes, Roberto Viquez
Dedications to Janos Negyesy: Works for Solo Violin
With: Janos Negyesy
With: Ted Piltzecker, Ted Moore, Jack Wilkins, Andy Simpkins
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