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Soundset Recordings

Old News: New Music for Trumpet and Percussion
With: John Pennington, Stephen Dunn
On the Nature of...
Anthony Di Sanza
Over the Moon
With: Michael Udow, David Tolen, Nancy Udow, Daniel DeSena
Reflections: Seven Orchestral Works
With: Michael Udow, Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra, Lar...
With: RoseWind Duo, Clifford Leaman, Scott Herring
Shared Spaces
With: John Beck, Varius Artists
Sole Nero: Musica per Due
With: Anthony Di Sanza, Jessica Johnson
Sounds, Shapes, and Synergy: Music for Triangles
Mark Berry
Soundscapes: Music for Marimba and Percussion
Mayumi Hama
Sticks and Stones: Music for Percussion and Strings
With: Roger Braun, Various Artists, Michael Carrera, Marjori...
With: Joanna Kurkowicz, Samir Chatterjee, National Polish Ra...
Todd Oxford
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